Agadir, Art, Maroc

📍 Agadir



Photography embroidery

Hey, my name is Houda and am the owner and creator behind Damyart.
After I’ve had my master in auditing in ENCG Agadir, I knew for sure that I didn’t want a boring office job, so I decided to take a short break to discover and try new things. I was always interested in Moroccan art and crafts and the story behind every piece and wanted to do something about it.

I discovered recently something called photography embroidery. What I loved about it is that you can turn an old or a simple photo into a story.

I just started my business and even thought it is a little bit hard to manage everything on my own, the joy that I feel when I make these portraits is surreal, I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world

My designs are all about telling stories, embracing our true self and having that human connection we miss because of this pandemic

Recherche associée


Sara Arabi

Sara Arabi

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MoeF R’twork

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